Altnets is Taking the Plunge in Support of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust

At Altnets, we are on a mission to raise £5000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and we need your help! We have set up a JustGiving page where you can donate to support nine fearless members of the team who will be taking a one-way flight to leap from 12,000 feet.

In June, we showed our solidarity with the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Trust by wearing yellow for #CFweek. Now Altnets is gearing up for a thrilling skydive this September in support of this life-changing charity! Our skydivers will experience the heart-pounding thrill of 40 seconds in freefall at speeds of 125 MPH. This event isn’t just about the adrenaline rush, though; it’s a chance for us to support a cause that is very close to our hearts here at Altnets.

Inspired by Our Own

This initiative was inspired by our Business Development Manager, Jade Edmonds, who has a personal connection to this cause. Jade is a strong advocate for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and proposed this fundraising event because of her sister’s journey with the condition.

“My sister, Abbie, was born with CF, so it has always been part of my family life. The condition is lifelong and affects my sister’s lungs and pancreas. To maintain a normal life, she must take a lot of medication on a daily basis with regular hospital visits. There is not yet a cure for Cystic Fibrosis and the CF Trust is working tirelessly to change that,” says Jade.

Reflecting back to when they were children, Jade described just how fragile her sister Abbie was. The house was filled with her medications; likewise, visits to the hospital became a regular occurrence in their lives. Abbie’s lung function is at 40% of a non-sufferer’s lung capacity; preserving it is important. Jade shared: “My mum has literally devoted her whole life to keeping Abbie healthy and getting her as much treatment as she can.”

The support provided by hospitals that specialise in the treatment of this disease, and the work of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, is indispensable for individuals living with CF and their families. That’s why Jade nominated the charity for Altnets to raise money for and support them in their vital research. Medical treatments developed for CF have made such a difference in her sister’s life.

“In 2019 when Abbie started taking her new medication Kalydeco & Kaftriothis, her quality of life improved greatly. These drugs have pretty much changed her life and many other people’s lives with Cystic Fibrosis. She’s now 31 and probably the healthiest she has ever been!” Jade said. Our team skydive will raise funds and awareness for the Trust, continuing essential support for those affected by Cystic Fibrosis.

About the Cystic Fibrosis Trust

The Cystic Fibrosis Trust remains dedicated to creating a world where being born with cystic fibrosis means a life unlimited by the condition. They provide support and resources for those affected, fund research to find a cure and work to ensure everyone with cystic fibrosis can lead full and productive lives.

Our Goal

Our goal for this charity skydive is to raise £5000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. The funds we raise will help the Trust continue its vital work and make a lasting impact in the lives of those affected by this condition. This is part of our company’s commitment to supporting important causes and making a meaningful impact.

Join Us in Making a Difference!

To kickstart our fundraising efforts, we’ve launched a JustGiving page and we invite you all to please join us in supporting the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. Every donation brings us closer to our target and helps make a real difference.

We’re excited about this (scary) adventure in the sky and the opportunity to contribute to a cause that means so much to us. Let’s dive in together to achieve our fundraising goal!

Sponsor the team here.